Celebrating Success: Uraina's Haven and Jefferson County Schools Shine at November’s Acaletics Green Party
In a heartening collaboration, Uraina's Haven and Jefferson County Schools joined forces to make this past November's Acaletics Green Party an extraordinary celebration of academic achievement and community spirit. Acaletics, a renowned educational platform, hosted a statewide contest, inviting schools from across Florida to showcase their Green Party festivities. Only six schools would be selected, and the stakes were high!
Dr. Ida Walker, Math Coach and Acaletics pioneer at Jefferson County Schools rose to the occasion, allowing us to work together to capture the essence of the Green Party through a vibrant array of photos and videos. The challenge was to encapsulate the energy, excitement, and success of the event, weaving it into a compelling social media post tagged with #AcaleticsGreenParty. The competition was fierce, but we helped Jefferson County Schools demonstrate the creativity, passion, and an undeniable sense of unity for the students and teachers.
Thanks to this stellar effort and the flourishing partnership between Uraina's Haven and Jefferson County Schools, we emerged as one of the six victorious schools. Acaletics recognized the exceptional commitment to academic excellence and community engagement displayed by the students, teachers, and staff.
As a result of this achievement, Jefferson County Schools will be a proud recipient of $500 to use toward the next Green Party. This financial boost will further support educational initiatives, providing resources and opportunities for students to thrive academically.
The collaboration between Uraina's Haven and Jefferson County Schools is a testament to the power of community partnerships in fostering academic success and creating memorable, enriching experiences for our students. Beyond the financial reward, the recognition from Acaletics highlights the dedication of our school community to creating an environment where learning is celebrated and achievements are shared.
The November Acaletics Green Party not only showcased our success but also reinforced the importance of collaboration, creativity, and community engagement in the educational journey. As we celebrate this accomplishment, we look forward to continuing the momentum, nurturing a culture of excellence and unity within Jefferson County Schools.
Here's to the power of collaboration, the joy of achievement, and the bright future ahead for our students!
Click here to see the Acaletics Facebook Post - Winner Announcement.